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The Struggle Over Net Neutrality

When the 112th United States Congress convened on January 3, 2011 Congressman Bobby Rush, democrat from Illinois, was vying to be the lead democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet. That subcommittee has jurisdiction over “Net Neutrality” and after several attempts spanning 10 years, democrats were unable […]

Summary of Survey Result

A staggering 29 percent of immigrants coming to the U.S. are unauthorized. In this publication, I would like to discuss the feedback I received on both the video and the survey I sent out on this topic. About 203 people visited my web site; the survey response reflects the input of seven participants. According to […]

Survey on Immigration Issues: Your Opinion Counts

Immigration remains a thorny and divisive issue, especially in an election year. Nearly every American and illegal alien holds and passionately defends their definition of the problem and their understanding of how it can/should be resolved. Yet the views best known and disseminated tend to be those of politicians, legislators, policy advisors, immigrant lobby groups […]

Literature Review: Sharing the American Dream

On April 23, 2010 Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Arizona State Senate Bill 1070. The law calls for strict enforcement of federal immigration laws regarding illegal aliens. The explosion of debate across all forms of media leading up to and following the signing of the bill has exposed a passionate but divided nation, keen […]

Sharing the American Dream

The American Dream, the belief that through hard work and determination anyone can achieve a better life, has attracted immigrants to the United States since its beginning. For many, today as in the past, America is the land of opportunity, of freedom, and of dreams. According to the, Over 50 million immigrants reside in […]